Vasiliki Maria Tzatzaki PhD title: Water in public international law. She holds a PhD from the National and Kapodistrian University. Moreover, she holds an LLM from the London School of Economics and Political Science as well as the Faculty of Law of the University of Athens. For the last ten years she works as a Legal Advisor in the Special Secretariat for Water of the Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy. She has participated in international conferences and she has published articles on issues regarding the human right to water, bioethics, climate change adaptation and the protection of the marine environment. Currently, she works on a post-doc thesis on the topic: ‘The human right to water from a legal and ethical perspective: A comparative analysis’. Participation in conferences - Annual conference 2018 Hellenic Society of International Law & International relations (20-22.12.2018), Athens –speaker.
- 13ο World Conference ‘Bioethics, Medical Ethics and Health Law’ (27-29.11.2018), UNESCO Chair on Bioethics, Jerusalem, Israel –speaker.
- International conference ‘20 years after Oviedo Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine”, Laboratory of the research of Medical Law and bioethics, Thessaloniki (08-09.12.2017) –speaker.
- International seminar European Society of International Law-Interest Group on Biolaw “International Biolaw and interactions with environmental, human rights and health law”, Malaga, Spain (27.10.2017) -speaker.
- International conference “Sustainable Drainage”, Lisbon, Portugal (19-20.10.2017) - speaker.
- International seminar “Natural Marine Resource Management in a Changing Climate”, K.G. Jebesen Center for the Law of the Sea, Tromsø, Norway (13-14.06.2017) -ομιλήτρια.
- 4th Drin Stakeholders Conference, Global Water Partnership, Mediterranean, Pristina, Kosovo (14-15.12.2016) - speaker.
- International conference “Adapting to Climate Change”, University of Lisbon, Portugal (21-22.06.2016) - speaker.
- Expert seminar “Best practices for the protection of water in times of crisis. Focus on participatory instruments in environmental law and policies”, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Erlangen, Germany (22-23.04.2016) - speaker.
- 1st International Conference on Redrafting Water Management, University of Lisbon, Portugal (08-09.10.2015) - speaker.
- “International Symposium on the Role of Hydrology in Water Resources Management”, IHP-UNESCO, Capri, Italy (13-16.10.2008) - speaker.
- “XIIIth World Water Congress”, International Water Resources Association, Montpellier, France (01-04.09.2008) -αφίσα (poster). “XXIVth Conference of the Danubian Countries”, National Committee of Slovenia for the International Hydrological Program of UNESCO, Bled, Slovenia (02-04.06.2008) - speaker.
- “International Groundwater Conference on Groundwater Dynamics and Global Change”, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India (19-22.03.2008) - speaker.
- “5th International Water History Association Conference”, International Hydrological Programme, Tampere, Finland (13-17.06.2007) - speaker.
Publications - Adapting the legal framework of natural marine resources management to climate disruption: The case of Greece, 9 Arctic Review on Law and Politics 2018, p. 1-18.
- Human dignity as a common element in international biolaw and the right to water, 3 Ius et scientia 2017, p. 1-13.
- Enabling the business of agriculture 2017, World Bank Group Report, contribution as a national expert, available at
- National approaches for the realization of the human right to water: A comparative study, in E.J. Lohse & P.P. Poto, Best Practices for the Protection of Water by Law: Focus on participatory instruments in environmental law and politics, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2017, p. 13-30.
- With A. Dan Tarlock, International Water Law and Climate Disruption Adaptation, in A. Tanzi, O. McIntyre, A. Kolliopoulos, A. Rieu-Clarke & R. Kinna (eds.), The UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use on Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, BRILL, 2015, p. 379-393.
- Solidarity and Law: Examples drawn by the international community, 26, no 1 (91) European Review of Public Law 2014.
- The operation of swimming pools and golf courses in the framework of integrated water resources management in Greece, in A. Koutsouradis (ed.), Contemporary legal and developmental problems of greek tourism, Association of Hotels in Chalkidiki (Publications), 2013, p. 425-436.
- Water in Public International Law (in Greek), Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2012 (480 pages).
- Tourism and water resources in international law and integrated management (in Greek), in A. Koutsouradis (ed.), The International and European Legal Dimension of Tourism, Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2012, p. 322-331.
- The contribution of the legal aspect of hydrology to the management of international water resources, in H.-J. Liebscher, R. Clarke, J. Rodda, G. Schultz, A. Schumann, L. Ubertini & G. Young (eds.), The Role of Hydrology in Water Resources Management, IAHS Publication 327, 2009, p. 24-28.
- The UN Convention on International Watercourses and Integrated Water Resources Management: A bridge built, 4 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci.2008, available at
- The UN Convention on International Watercourses: Do we need it?, 2008, available at
- The element of equitable utilization in the settlement of water related investment disputes, σε Efarmoges Dimosiou Dikaiou 2008, p. 521-548.