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The NKUA Applied Philosophy Research Laboratory is a liaison to the SIENNA EU program.

SIENNA stands for ‘Stakeholder informed ethics for new technologies with high socio-economic and human rights impact). SIENNA develops ethical frameworks, recommendations for better regulation and operational tools for the ethical management of human genomics, human enhancement and AI & robotics. The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Applied Philosophy Research Laboratory (APRL) seeks to promote research in the area of applied philosophy and provide teaching support to students and faculty members in both graduate and post-graduate level of studies. The Lab is also committed to conduct empirical and/or theoretical research in all areas of philosophy, with particular focus on Ethics, Metaethics and Applied Ethics.

The liaison officer for the APRL from SIENNA is Maria Bottis, Ionian University. The SIENNA project has received funding under the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 741716. SIENNA is coordinated by the University of Twente. This collaboration aims at the diffuse of the results of SIENNA research and co-organization of suitable activities with the Applied Philosophy Research Laboratory.

For further details see the website of SIENNA here: https://www.sienna-project.eu/.

For further reading, the following SIENNA and Information Ethics-related reports are available open access:

D.4.4 Ethical analysis of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Technologies.

D.2.4 Ethical analysis of Human Genetics and Genomics.